Care Navigators

Eastleigh Southern Parishes Network Ltd, is an organisation owned by 3 local GP practices commissioned by NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board, to provide a Care Navigation Service to patients who are registered with the GP practices in the Eastleigh Southern Parishes boundary and New Forest area for patients registered with the 17 GP practices.

In addition we have Care Navigators working in Southampton General Hospital Discharge Unit to ensure that individuals are discharged home safely from a hospital stay.

They work Monday to Friday 9am-5pm. Saturday and Sunday and Bank holidays 9am-1pm.

This is a non-clinical service with the aim of supporting people to remain safe and independent in their own homes, improve health and well- being and facilitate appropriate utilisation of existing health and social services.

This non-clinical service supports patients and carers to “navigate” their way around health, social care and community and voluntary services. This role is a supportive one to the health and social care professionals who will take the lead and responsibility for your clinical and social care.   The Care Navigators do this by ensuring people receive the right services in the right place tailored to individual need by providing information and advice and co-ordinating care by following you through your journey.

They will explain and help you and your carers to understand the processes and services being put in place to support you.

They will be able to refer you or your carers to other services available in the community

They will act as a contact for you and your carers as well as for your GP practices and other health and social care professional.

They are here to support you and your family.

If you feel that you would benefit from this service please contact your GP Practice.

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