About ESP Network Ltd.
Eastleigh Southern Parishes Network Ltd. is a federation of 3 local practices, Blackthorn Health Centre, Living Well Partnership (St Luke’s & Botley practices) and Hedge End Surgery. The federation is working together to share resources, skills & experience to provide cost-effect, patient-centered health care for all patients in the Eastleigh Southern Parishes area.
Eastleigh Southern Parishes Network Ltd. aim to develop accessible and high quality health services to people in Eastleigh Southern Parishes whilst supporting General practice and the NHS through collaboration with Commissioners and other providers of Health and Social Care.
We also partner with Consultancy.com who assist us with writing tenders and the business side of projects.
All 3 practices and Consultancy.com are shareholders in the network. The directors are:
Dr Neeraj SonpalClinical Director for ESPN |
Chris OrtonBusiness Director |
Kirsty RoltDevelopment Support Manager |
Louise CookNurse Director |
Rachel JohnstonDevelopment Support Manager |
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